Event-driven simulation of the dynamics of hard ellipsoids


We introduce a novel algorithm to perform event-driven simulations of hard rigid bodies of arbitrary shape, that relies on the evaluation of the geometric distance. In the case of a monodisperse system of uniaxial hard ellipsoids, we perform molecular dynamics simulations varying the aspect-ratio X0 and the packing fraction . We evaluate the translational Dtrans and the rotational Drot diffusion coefficient and the associated isodiffusivity lines in the -X0 plane. We observe a decoupling of the translational and rotational dynamics which generates an almost perpendicular crossing of the Dtrans and Drot isodiffusivity lines. While the self intermediate scattering function exhibits stretched relaxation, i.e. glassy dynamics, only for large and X0≈1, the second order orientational correlator C2(t) shows stretching only for large and small X0 values. We discuss these findings in the context of a possible pre-nematic order driven glass transition. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.

AIP Conference Proceedings
